Improve Your Marketing Results by Following These 4 Steps

Improve your results by considering how marketing is integrated within your company.We often ask companies what marketing they do currently and this is the response we usually receive: “we post on social media”, “we call perspective clients”, and “we advertise here”… But have you considered what you are actually trying to achieve by doing these activities?

A strategic approach to marketing doesn’t have to be a laborious task. But having a robust strategy in place will help you to get the results you want. To get started, let’s look at four key areas, or button-holes from our unique marketing methodology:

1. Define Your Communications and Create a Key Message

Look at this both internally and externally. Creating a key message that is embedded in all your communications is essential. A key message is something that you would like your audience to remember you by, it might address a challenge that you can help others overcome, or how your company differs from others. This should be something that sticks in your mind and that helps people to identify and remember your company. Once you have defined what your key message is, it is important that every member of staff is aware of what this is, so they can adopt it and start communicating it during their everyday tasks.

2. Be Clear on Your Offering

Look at the products or services you offer and revisit whether they meet the needs of your customers? Reviewing your offering is essential to keeping your selection fresh, relevant and easy for potential customers to understand. Next, outline the benefits of your offering, which you can use to attract new customers in promotions, advertisement, content, and in staff training.

3. Outline Your Ideal Prospective Clients

Defining who you are trying to target will help you become more focused with your marketing. Sharing your target audience with your team will enable them to successfully identify and sell to this audience. Not only that, but you can understand where you might find these people, in order to promote your offering to them. Instead of randomly adopting clients you will target your ideal clients, which will increase brand awareness and sales within that group.

4. Your Current Customers

Look at the data you currently have about your current clients: here are a few things you can look at by analysing your data:

  • When did they last purchase from you?

  • Have you lost any clients within the last 3 months?

  • Can you say why?

Using this information to inform your marketing decisions will help you to plan your marketing activities more effectively. Looking at when customers last purchased from you can help you to predict buying behaviour, so you can use this to help provide them with more bespoke promotions. Using purchasing data to manage key business areas such as stock and/or staffing is essential and will help you to satisfy your customer needs.

If you have not received a testimonial from a customer, why not reach out to them? You can then use this to promote your offering, the testimonial will show new and existing customers a real experience of your company and may overcome any hesitancies they might have had before.


Focusing on these four key button-hole areas as a starting point for your marketing plan will help you to create a streamlined strategy that is easy to follow. It will help bring clarity to your organisation, which will help to increase productivity with everyone working towards the same set of goals.

Integrating these ideas into your marketing activities within our 12 key areas will help you to sew on your button tight as all your threads come together for your business and your marketing button.

To find out more about how My Marketing Button can help your business, why not contact us to arrange a free demo?